Wednesday, February 15, 2006

ancient farce

It would be a pleasure to see a knife shoved up your back, Sir. Have we heard this before? i would say, yep, many a times. The first time when i was introduced to Mr. Julius Ceasar in school, where the Roman Emperor was offered this option, but then on his adamant refusal was forced to take it.

Later, i realized that people stopped being candid while using these words, presumed,the era of being polite had been shown the door. But, it was not so, because the time for cryptic fad had arrived, the dripping sugar candy that protected the clarity was nothing but a luring allegiance to doom. Yet, many a fallible soul have greedily pounced upon it to make a visit to the home of Hade.

From individuals, it contagiously slipped down to the masses, then it was one nation posing such queries to another, i should say it is damn bludy popular now. All of us are being provided an equal opportunity to answer it, irrespective of the color, race, creed we belong. Finally, it seems, that we have united on one issue; albeit a fallacy.

Monday, February 13, 2006

double standards

It beats me at times witnessing the hypocrisy that revolves amidst the people in this world, i ain't saying that i have not been part of this or in the future might not coerce, but when you realize that this event occurs more frequently than needed you begin to question the pure existence of truth.

We have been raised in an environment that educates us in honesty and integrity,where one is fed with thoughts and morals towards leading a life devoid of false beliefs. But, when you enter the harsh realities of life, where your survival rests on your gift of gab as much on the same level as your skillset that you have acquired, we begin to manipulate with the values that we need to base our lives and end up compromising our path to an extent that we enter the domains of mediocrity.

I donot see an end to this topic, and would assume that this is going to remain as a active member of every individual's life, we could reduce its activity, but can never put it to rest forever.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rasam and me

Rasam is a Indian food delicacy that is a favorite of mine. I swim in its glorious taste, and keep thinking about those poor folks who haven't even had a chance to sniff this potion.
There is nothing strange in me writing about it as i have anointed myself to be a conossieur on this topic. To describe it, i would say, it is a liquid, inviscid in nature with the taste entirely temperature dependent, the colder it turns, it loses the effect to intoxicate. The color varies with the choice of ingredients one chooses in their recipe, and with in my boundary of knowledge there are atleast ten of them on the whole.

This sensuous drink gains its origins on the Deccan Plateau, located on the southern half of the Indian Sub-continent. During the era when life was more dwelt at a sedate place, it was contrived by the sheer indigenuity of an individual during the course of chanting the vedic hymns. His starvation led him develop taste buds that directed him to cook impetuously. He was such a benevolent soul that he shared this new found pleasure with the society.

Now, it is a globally consumed drink, with the Indians stretching their immigrant domains far across the world, Rasam too, has found its way into those uncharted horizons. I am off home, to consume my share for dinner, and drown myself in the warmth that it provides against the frigid climatic ambience at Philly.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Another one bites the dust

Its been while since i have been at school, an exodus from this environment had happened about 3 years ago when i decided to find my place in the industrial ambience. But, then the a wise crack in me turned back to seek the path not taken!
My comeback has seen me undertake the quest to develop into a researcher, hence leaving me ensconced amidst fellow men who have been particpating in this hunt.
One of them left midway disillusioned by the lack of success in the task. Neither the first to commit this act nor would be the last, but definitely one of the many who have go down in the chase. It produces a myriad of nostalgia, and also ambuigities about where thy soul would be in the course of time.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Weekend with them

After spending my college days in the cosmopolitan city of Bangalore, i had reached a zenith of tolerating and understanding people from various fringes of the society. Albeit a tamilian, i was an outcaste to the core cult, which had its roots in Chennai. The last six months have brought me closer to them with my acquaintance as a friend growing stronger to people from that background.

Its fun and frolic the weekends i stop by at New Jersey, where my friend Ram (baptized in J&J) and his friend Gopi, who share the same apartment put together a verbal assortment of joyous holy remarks that set your mind to float with gay abandon. If they have played their part to bring me back, then Venkat - the charmer has had his role too.

Through these three men, i have got to meet many more in the network that has its tentacles spread far and wide across the vast spaces this nation has to offer. I enjoy myself every moment i have them around and they have almost succeeded in bringing me closer to those special bonds that i had indefinitely forgotten.

sporting Drama

Every passing year the first sunday of february gets to witness a sporting spectacle called "Super Bowl" in the United States. It leaves about 67% of the population glued to their TV sets in anticipation of a exciting extravaganza.
The sport is no doubt high flying, but the auxillaries with it are a delight for even the non-followers. This year, as a first time audience, i witnessed a fabulous game, the best commericals that you would get to see once in a year, while the remaining time, you are fed only with the drab ones, and also the Rolling stones during the half time break.
All this amidst munching away at the wafers and dips, allowing me to accrue a few more pounds over a already sizeable waistline.
Being from India, where Cricket is followed like a religion, and players sought after like demi-gods, it provided a lot of relief to watch the Americans just about treat their sporting heroes as mere "Titans".

Monday, February 06, 2006

back from hiatus

After probably a near exit from this world of blogging, i enter yet again. A decision that arose cause i found myself temporarily phased out due to the drudgery of life.

Not much has happened in the world worth really mentioning, not uttering these words with sheer disdain but with conviction. The events that have been more or less redundant, and the color of life has not improved beyond the seven already existent.

Though in the past month, i have been showing more restraint and respect to the process of evolution, which i realized have ignorantly rusticated to the dark corners of the plebian life that i lead. But, with unfavorable incidences taking a prominence in my life, i began to seek out for the cause, only to realize that i have been attempting to dig my own grave!

Parity has been restored, and i am back more sane and filled with abundant positrons:)