Sunday, March 26, 2006

vi veri veniversum vivus vici

I, while living, have conquered the universe

Men who have lived with this audacious dream have either gone down blazing in glory or have lived with a peerless pride unbekwonst to the commoners who continue to age with rusticity.

The desire to conquer, is not new, men have always sought new frontiers to rule. They have achieved, climbed the altitudes of fame, and then tumbled to the absymal depths undone by the malignancy of vertigo.

But, is the thought physical or metaphysical, theorists have duelled, demonized one another to prove the truth, yet nothing conclusive has emerged. The war is still waging with untutored fury, an end seemingly infinitely distant, it has become pertinent an interlude is availed. Who and how it is to be provided rests on us, mortals who have been helpless bystanders all the while.

My life is finite, not my thoughts, i have left them to navigate the uncharted regimes, to pave way for my steady onslaught on the unwarranted realities.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Irony in green

The crisp green bills seemed to have a say in the business of every human form, a refrain from mentioning on the planet this coincidence occurs is purely on scientific grounds. One day, the lack of it, accentuated violent reactions from certain pockets of the world, common folks who were acquainted with the task of domestication turned into fire blowing dragons, the idyllic vagabonds turned into messiahs seeking the truth behind the loss, simple peasants accepting the role of foot soldiers and the children, donning the garb of witnesses to this gory ritual.

When the need became irrespressible, the lord decided to send his ring wraiths to restore parity, to unify and bring the world under his regime, which would ensure any further need would be with in his house of commons. But, it never so happened, the lord floundered as the rebellion escalated in audacity and strategy, he used it then, the last trick in his bag of wonders, he sold a dummy. He created duplicates, peace reigned; though not long. They were back, the good old fellas, demanding their rightful share. The lord looked cryptically ahead, unsure on how to stall the chaos, which was demanding his throne of dominance as the price to pay for those green colored bits of paper.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Spaceman Spiff

The famous Calvin's alter ego is a masterpiece creation by Waterson. Everyone of us live through those moments where we believe that we would achieve the state of a super human, rescuing the world from the fleet of evil forces. You reach a state of heavenly joy when you are running through this figment of imagination; the rapture is ringing in your ears as you drown into the thought of a promising future.

This frame of mind arises in hope and fades away into sunset boulevard without shedding a tear. This aspect made me view the mind as a peddlar, who allows you to attain a state of ecstasy with the intoxicating drug called "Fallacy" to assuage the inner soul from the drudgery of life. When one is addicted to this rhapsody, their is no looking back, it sends you back cured only after a visit to the juvenile house albeit an occasional dose has been found to relieve one of the clinging burdens and ride high into the domains of Jonathan livingston Seagull.

Friday, March 03, 2006

An ode to the Wastrel

While i sit and spend my time writing this blog,i realize it is a ploy that my mind has devised to rescue the expended soul to rise up from the bleary dominions of complacency. The fall though sudden was expected, the mental faculties seem fine, but have begun unionizing to delay the process of a recovery. The machines seem to have stopped functioning cause i no more hear the noises that accompany them.

It seems like somebody has been stealing time, the losses have accrued over time, though bankruptcy is still at a distance. The time has arrived for the lord to awake from the spell of Rip Van Winkle, and save his castle from the marauding highwaymen, who have been staking their claims on it for long.

O' Wastrel, how thy reached this state, i plead, step out of this dark forest and drown yourself into the winding stream of sunlight.