Sunday, August 08, 2010

Idol Worship - The Essence of India

Being from India, and born as Hindu, the concept of the Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva trinity and their influence on daily life cannot be ignored. Growing up, we were told mythical tales of good overwhelming evil forces, and its impact on the routine of life. Upanishads, Mahabharata, Ramayana and many other scriptures contain tons of these tales and describe thousands of gods, whose idols can be found in temples across the India. These temples are undoubtedly architectural marvels, which unfortunately is not going to be part of this narrate. Furthermore, colloquial versions of these mythical tales have been construed and passed on by pedants in order to capture the imagination of the millions.

Although, the modern generation, circa 1990 and beyond, who were born after India globalized, when the multinational investors brought the big bucks to commercialize our trinity, disown themselves to these ancient mythological feats. They are still addicted to the concept of idol worship. Alongside, the Indian genes for heart ailments and diabetes, a sequence for idol worship seems to have gotten a place in our genome .

However, this new-found gene seems to have mutated, the worship continues, but no more of immortals, it is of mere mortals, who are transformed to god status and ultimately manifested in the form of idols. This has gained such high popularity that the past may become convoluted soon. I should give due credit to Darwinian principles for this affect, though the influence has been negative in my view.

There has been a rapid growth in these modern idols and also their followers in various arenas such as sports, politics, religion, business and entertainment. These idols seem to have their own type of temples, which have sprouted up at a alarming rate. Soon, we might not be categorized anymore by caste or economic status, but allegiance to a idol. Now, the confusing part arises, how do we incorporate these modern day idols in to our ancient history. I believe that we need quality researchers to set a taxonomy that would enable lesser minds such as your truly to make the appropriate and most accurate choice. Many would presume that these pursuits should stall with the higher educated ones, strangely, they feel that they should join the rest of the herd and become part of this new forming society.

With this my commentary concludes; I have provided the state of the art on the progress of idol worship in India. As a scientist, I am curious to see whether these newer directions will continue to evolve or devolve and can I contribute somhow. If the field progresses much faster than expected, a review will be provided again.


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