Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another one down

The world is rapidly changing - yes, it is a cliche - yet, we become more aware, when those who we grew up listening, seeing and idolizing begin their journey to netherworld. Recently, I suffered a personal loss, which had left my mind bare for few days; last evening, a celebrity, who personified a generation of people, passed away. Vishnuvardhan - the few who have followed south Indian cinema, will instantly recognize, was lost. Nothing to ponder about the circumstances, the usual suspects that insinuates the genes of hundreds of millions of Indians, got him.

His mark on movie-land can be accounted with path-breaking list of movies. I remember him for many, which left a lasting impact on his ability as an actor and human-being on me. With due credits to Freddie Mercury - another one down and another one down, another one bites the dust.


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