ancient farce
It would be a pleasure to see a knife shoved up your back, Sir. Have we heard this before? i would say, yep, many a times. The first time when i was introduced to Mr. Julius Ceasar in school, where the Roman Emperor was offered this option, but then on his adamant refusal was forced to take it.
Later, i realized that people stopped being candid while using these words, presumed,the era of being polite had been shown the door. But, it was not so, because the time for cryptic fad had arrived, the dripping sugar candy that protected the clarity was nothing but a luring allegiance to doom. Yet, many a fallible soul have greedily pounced upon it to make a visit to the home of Hade.
From individuals, it contagiously slipped down to the masses, then it was one nation posing such queries to another, i should say it is damn bludy popular now. All of us are being provided an equal opportunity to answer it, irrespective of the color, race, creed we belong. Finally, it seems, that we have united on one issue; albeit a fallacy.
Later, i realized that people stopped being candid while using these words, presumed,the era of being polite had been shown the door. But, it was not so, because the time for cryptic fad had arrived, the dripping sugar candy that protected the clarity was nothing but a luring allegiance to doom. Yet, many a fallible soul have greedily pounced upon it to make a visit to the home of Hade.
From individuals, it contagiously slipped down to the masses, then it was one nation posing such queries to another, i should say it is damn bludy popular now. All of us are being provided an equal opportunity to answer it, irrespective of the color, race, creed we belong. Finally, it seems, that we have united on one issue; albeit a fallacy.