vi veri veniversum vivus vici
I, while living, have conquered the universe
Men who have lived with this audacious dream have either gone down blazing in glory or have lived with a peerless pride unbekwonst to the commoners who continue to age with rusticity.
The desire to conquer, is not new, men have always sought new frontiers to rule. They have achieved, climbed the altitudes of fame, and then tumbled to the absymal depths undone by the malignancy of vertigo.
But, is the thought physical or metaphysical, theorists have duelled, demonized one another to prove the truth, yet nothing conclusive has emerged. The war is still waging with untutored fury, an end seemingly infinitely distant, it has become pertinent an interlude is availed. Who and how it is to be provided rests on us, mortals who have been helpless bystanders all the while.
My life is finite, not my thoughts, i have left them to navigate the uncharted regimes, to pave way for my steady onslaught on the unwarranted realities.
Men who have lived with this audacious dream have either gone down blazing in glory or have lived with a peerless pride unbekwonst to the commoners who continue to age with rusticity.
The desire to conquer, is not new, men have always sought new frontiers to rule. They have achieved, climbed the altitudes of fame, and then tumbled to the absymal depths undone by the malignancy of vertigo.
But, is the thought physical or metaphysical, theorists have duelled, demonized one another to prove the truth, yet nothing conclusive has emerged. The war is still waging with untutored fury, an end seemingly infinitely distant, it has become pertinent an interlude is availed. Who and how it is to be provided rests on us, mortals who have been helpless bystanders all the while.
My life is finite, not my thoughts, i have left them to navigate the uncharted regimes, to pave way for my steady onslaught on the unwarranted realities.